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npm install @rpldy/uploady


interface WithRequestPreSendUpdateProps {
id: string;

type withRequestPreSendUpdate = <P extends WithRequestPreSendUpdateProps>(Comp: React.FC<P> | React.ComponentType<P>) =>
React.FC<Omit<P, "updateRequest" | "requestData">>;

HOC to enable components to interact with the upload data and options just-in-time before the request is sent. This is a hatch point to introduce custom logic that may affect the upload data.

A good example use-case for this is applying crop to selected image before it is uploaded.

When rendering the HOC's output, the id of the batch-item must be provided as a prop. This ensures the HOC only re-renders for a specific item and not for all. The id of the batch-item can be obtained from a hook (ex: useitemstartlistener or useBatchStartListener)

  import React, { useState, useCallback } from "react";
import Cropper from "react-easy-crop";
import Uploady, { withRequestPreSendUpdate } from "@rpldy/uploady";
import UploadButton from "@rpldy/upload-button";
import cropImage from "./my-image-crop-code";

const ItemCrop = withRequestPreSendUpdate((props) => {
const [crop, setCrop] = useState({ x: 0, y: 0 });
const [cropPixels, setCropPixels] = useState(null);

const { url, updateRequest, requestData } = props;

const onUploadCrop = useCallback(async() => {
if (updateRequest && cropPixels) {
//replace the file data with the cropped result
requestData.items[0].file = await cropImage(url, requestData.items[0].file, cropPixels);
//resume the upload flow with the updated file data
updateRequest({ items: requestData.items });
}, [url, requestData, updateRequest, cropPixels]);

const onCropComplete = useCallback((croppedArea, croppedAreaPixels) => {
}, []);

return <>
<button style={{ display: updateRequest && cropPixels ? "block" : "none" }}
Upload Cropped

const MyApp = () => {
return <Uploady destination={{ url: "" }}>
<UploadButton />
<ItemCrop id="batch-item-1" />

See the Crop Guide for a full example.