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Progress UI

Uploady (the sender really) exposes an item progress event and hook that can be used to show an upload progress UI.

Below is an example of this using the very cool rc-progress.

The useItemProgressListener hook is used to capture progress info for all uploads taking place within an Uploady instance. Regardless of how the uploads are initiated (ex: upload-button, upload-drop-zoe, api call, etc.).


The UploadProgress component collects upload data for individual upload items as progress data comes in.

For each one, a circle progress bar will be shown with the percentage of the upload.

import React from "react";
import { Circle } from "rc-progress";
import Uploady, { useItemProgressListener } from "@rpldy/uploady";
import UploadButton from "@rpldy/upload-button";

const UploadProgress = () => {
const [uploads, setUploads] = React.useState({});
const progressData = useItemProgressListener();

if (progressData && progressData.completed) {
const upload = uploads[] ||
{ name: progressData.url ||, progress: [0] };

if (!~upload.progress.indexOf(progressData.completed)) {

[]: upload,

const entries = Object.entries(uploads);

return <div>
.map(([id, { progress, name }]) => {
const lastProgress = progress[progress.length - 1];

return <div key={id}>
<Circle strokeWidth={2}
strokeColor={lastProgress === 100 ? "#00a626" : "#2db7f5"}
percent={lastProgress} />
<p>{id} : {name}</p>

const MyApp = () => {
return <Uploady {...}>