Uploader Events
When files are added to the upload queue, they are organized in batches and each file is represented by a batch item.
Both batches and batch items have their own life-cycles and the uploader exposes events for all of them.
The entire list of Uploader events is documented in the Uploader page.
Extensions may also add their own events. For example, Retry.
Cancellable Events
These are explained in further detail here.
These events allow you to cancel the uploading batch or item.
Cancelling the operation through an event handler is done by returning false or by returning a Promise that resolves with false.
While in React, Uploady hooks provide easy access to event handling.
However, outside of React, it is also possible to handle these events using the uploader's: on, off and once methods.
Working with the Uploder instance
If you're creating your own uploader instance (what Uploady does for you):
import createUploader, { UPLOADER_EVENTS } from "@rpldy/uploader";
const uploader = createUploader({ destination: {url: "https://my-server.com/upload" }});
const unregister = uploader.on(UPLOADER_EVENTS.BATCH_ADD, (batch) => {
//cancel the batch if more than 10 items
return batch.items.length <= 10;
//same as using the off method
Using the Uploady props
In React, if you're not using hooks, you can still handle events. You can pass event handlers directly to the Uploady instance:
import React, { useMemo } from "react";
import Uploady, { UPLOADER_EVENTS } from "@rpldy/uplady";
const MyApp = () => {
const listeners = useMemo(() => ({
console.log(`Batch Start - ${batch.id} - item count = ${batch.items.length}`);
console.log(`Batch Finish - ${batch.id} - item count = ${batch.items.length}`);
console.log(`Item Start - ${item.id} : ${item.file.name}`);
console.log(`Item Finish - ${item.id} : ${item.file.name}`);
}), []);
return <Uploady listeners={listeners}>
Using the Context API
Also in React, if you're not using hooks. You can register your handlers using the Uploady Context API:
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import Uploady, { UploadyContext, UPLOADER_EVENTS } from "@rpldy/uplady";
const MyUploadyLogger = () => {
const uploadyContext = useContext(UploadyContext);
useEffect(() => {
const onItemStart = (item) => {
console.log(`Item Start - ${item.id} : ${item.file.name}`);
uploadyContext.on(UPLOADER_EVENTS.ITEM_START, onItemStart);
return () => {
uploadyContext.off(UPLOADER_EVENTS.ITEM_START, onItemStart);
}, [uploadyContext]);
const MyApp = () => {
return <Uploady>
<MyUploadyLogger />