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3 posts tagged with "uploady"

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· 2 min read
Yoav Niran

It's been a while since the last 1.4.x releases, so I thought I'd celebrate it with a short blog post.

The full details of the release can be found in our Changelog or in the Release page.


This version doesn't hold any ground-breaking changes (nor any breaking-changes), but it does include some improvements & bug fixes. Improvements that come directly from the community, which is always great to see:

  • #545 - Expose upload total size in item progress event

  • #546 - Improve progress percentage smoothness for batched uploads

  • #547) - Formally support userData in the Upload Options


Between the last release and this, there has been a ton of dependency upgrades - pretty much everything that could be upgraded, was. As of this writing Uploady is using the latest Lerna, Cypress, Storybook (why is it always so hard to go from one major to another?!), and so on.

These upgrades are important as they also address security vulnerabilities. Luckily (and by design), Uploady has very few run-time dependencies, making it less prone to be harmed by such issues.

Speaking of security, a new policy has been released.

New Contributors

Thank you to our new contributor on his submitted & merged PR: @rickythink

Until Next Time

Keep Uploading! 🚀 💪


· One min read
Yoav Niran

I'm very excited to announce that today React-Uploady is finally 1.0.0.

What does it mean?

Technically, very little as no new features or changes were done between this and the previous version.

What this milestone does mean is that just over two years of Uploady being available, used by many, tested, and improved, it's finally considered mature and stable.

It has been very pleasant to see this library grow while never requiring any significant change or refactor since its initial release. And of course, the most exciting part has been its adoption and the wonderful feedback and support by the community.

Moving forward, Uploady will remain as it is. There are no plans currently to add new components or APIs. However, I'm always looking forward to hearing from the community on what works and what doesn't. And to learn about new flows, on top of the many Uploady already supports, that can be added.

Here's to many more years of Uploading! 🚀 💪


· 2 min read
Yoav Niran

Ideas and Suggestions are Welcome!

Uploady has been out for just over a year now and succeeded far more than I had anticipated in terms of the value it brings and the user-base it gained.

During this time, there have been bugs reported and features requested. Almost all were small or additive, and none required major overhauls or paradigm shifts. This has been very satisfying for me that the set of features and API decisions didn't need to change since its inception.

Seeing this, Id like to make Uploady officially ready for Production (despite already being used in Production by some).


If you have been using it in Production and haven't updated this discussion, I'd love it if you could add your use-case & application/company name there.

The reason for this post is that I'd like to take the opportunity and ask you, Uploady users, to make your voice heard and help me decide if there is anything that should be added to this library before its API and functionality-set is determined as the official 1.0 version.

If you have ideas, requirements, or problems, speak now or forever hold you peace. Ok, not forever. You can always open an issue or a discussion. Major changes may have to wait for 2.0, though.

Thanks! Yoav